How do I invest my time wisely?


Before we dig in deep on how to invest our time wisely I would love for you to go back and read the blog post that goes along with this blog. “Why Is My Time So Important?”

So, where is your time being spent? I encourage you to take a look at where your time is being spent and which area left you feeling full and which area left you feeling dry. In a recent blog post we talked about, “How To Respark Your Fire.” We chatted about the daily adventures to add into your day to day life to keep your fire burning, but what we didn’t talk about is how those small adventures impact your time. Those adventures we already talked about are items that leave you feeling fulfilled, so if you are someone who is not feeling like you are spending your time right then maybe we need to step back and add a few of those items into your day to day.

In this blog we are going to look at how we are spending our time currently. Once we have identified how we spend our time we are able to look at the areas we need to fine tune or the areas we need to get rid of

Things You’re Going To Need



Maybe Your Calendar

First, Let’s Look At Where Your Time Is Already Going. I want you to take the last week and write out each thing that you did on each day. You can break it down however it helps you the most. Did you wake up early on a day, did you spend time with a friend and for how long or did you work late? Write down as much as you remember. 

Second, circle the things that added value to your heart and the things that felt like they helped other areas of your time. For example: did working out help you feel like you had more energy for your work day? Did adding that extra small adventure give you excitement throughout the day? Did spending time with that friend fill your love tank?

Lastly, let’s look at the areas that felt like wasted time or felt like they drained you. No, I am not talking about the things that allowed you to feel rested and refreshed. I am talking about the things that left your cup dry or made you feel like you couldn’t move forward for the rest of your day.

This next part is up to you. I can give direction and understanding all day long, but to be honest you are the one who will be held accountable of where you invested your time in and who you invest your time in. But, I do encourage you to replace those negative areas with time that will be fulfilling or purpose driven. You are amazing! You are worthy! You are enough! The Lord created you for a beautiful and powerful purpose and how you spend your time matters.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Ephesians 2:10