Why Is My Time So Important?


We have all heard the quote, “you are what you eat.” But there is another quote that weighs just as heavy. 

“You Are Who You Invest Your Time Into.”

We have all been given a great purpose. The Lord has hand crafted each of us a purpose that not only glorifies Him, but also fulfills you. Now, even though our purpose is not the same as the next person, there is one thing that is the same … the amount of time that we are given in a day. Each of us has the same 24 hours in a day & how we spend that time determines what our goals and dreams are, but also how deep we are into pursuing our greater purpose.

How you invest in your time matters. It matters for many different reasons. It matters in … your personal life, your relationships, your workplace, your brand or business & so on. If how you are investing your time negatively affects one area it will negatively affect all areas.

In the book of Matthew we are told a story about how a master gave his servants a set of talents based on their ability. Each servant was given talents and each servant had the same amount of time to accumulate more. When the master came back two of his servants accumulated more, but one servant held on to and accumulated nothing. To the servants that had accumulated more he said, “Well done my good and faithful servant. …” There is a lot of life lessons in this one story, but since we are talking about time let’s stay on track. Since we are all given the same 24 hours in a day & how we spend our time matters … This is why it is so important to be mindful of the things we say yes to or the things we fill our day with. You are who you invest your time into & my friend you will not get these minutes or hours back, so use them wisely.

Matthew 25:14-30

My friend, my hope with this post is that it will leave you thinking and more mindful or where your time is spent. If you are feeling like what do I do now or how do I even invest my time wisely have no fear there will be another blog post on that.