How To Re-Spark Your Fire, In The Middle Of A Burn Out.


We all get into creative ruts where we simply have no desire or passion. We start to feel like what is wrong with me, what am I doing wrong in my business or career or I am not following my purpose. So, how do we re-spark our fire? Let’s look into some proactive ways that can spark your fire, but also can be a part of your daily routine to keep you going and to keep you creating.

But First…

I want you to know that you are made for such a great purpose. & my friend the world needs exactly what you are offering. So, in the middle of you feeling that your fire has been burned out just remember that just because it is faded or burned out, doesn’t mean it cannot be relit. You are strong, you are cable & through all things the Lord will give you strength. My hope is that these helpful tips can help you re-spark your fire back up, but will also help you in the moments you feel like it is getting dull.

Esther 4:14 “... & who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Go On A Walk

This is one of my favorites. Anytime I feel frustrated, unmotivated or uninspired I will take sweet Hazel Grace on a walk. Real Vitamin D from the sun is known to boost your mood. Plus, it is a free activity, you burn calories, you can get a tan & if you have a dog then your dog benefits too. But on a serious note try shutting down whatever is making you free off and take a walk and see how you feel after. 

Move Workplaces

I don’t physically mean to move workplaces (unless that is something that needs to happen), but what I mean is…. If you work from home try working in a different room, if your office has an outside area try working there. Changing up your daily environment just a little can spark creativity when we are feeling burned out.

Try Something New

I love this idea, because quite honestly we all cannot just take off every time we are feeling uninspired. Add a nugget of excitement into your daily schedule that will keep you excited and on your toes.

A new lunch spot

Cook something fun for dinner

Read a new book

Try a new activity (paddle boarding, golfing, swimming, fishing, hiking,)

Try a new local place

Whatever the activity is, try something new, & if you do not like it ok no harm no foul. However, if you do like it then my friend you have just found your activity that helps you reboot.

Call A Friend

No, truly call a friend and while you are at it even schedule a time for y’all to meet up, and if we want to go even crazier then y’all try something new together.

Take A Step Back

This doesn’t have to be a full step back, but a simple get away. Try just getting away for a moment or a staycation does wonders on the mind. But if you take a step back then take a true step back, because if you don’t then you will still have that same overwhelming feeling.

My Friend, I put this list together, because as I dived into pinterest searching all things to re-spark creativity or how to handle a burn out I found things like; oh a vacation, buy yourself something new and honestly all things that didn’t resonate in my heart very well.

Not that these things are bad whatsoever, no I love a good vacation or new exciting things, but what ended up happening is every time I reached a burn out I expected, “Oh I cannot get out of this until a vacation.” No, you don’t need to go big every time you are feeling burned out.

So, as I have gotten older into my business I have found extra daily life things that will keep my fire burning. These are simple things that can go a long way & that you can add into your daily routine. Currently, I am headed to lunch with a gal pal. & I cannot wait to take a step back for a moment and invest with a friend. It is the little nuggets of goodness that help us move forward.

My friend, we need you and your spark on this world. Don’t let one flame that is a little dull keep you from being exactly who the Lord has created you to be. I believe in you and know that you were made for such a time as this. Keep moving forward and keep experiencing daily adventures.