Let’s Create A Backdrop!


Oh my goodness this is truly such a fun idea, not only for brands & business, but also creating photos for personal reasons. Let me explain why this is simple & easy. Most of my flat lays are done in my home office, however when it comes to shooting actual lifestyle product photos we have to either do that outside or rent a venue out. However, the other day we needed lifestyle product shots done ASAP & we simply just did not have time to rent a venue & we wanted something different than outside, so we simply made our own backdrop. & BAM insert a cool vibe that hardly took any space. Let’s break down creating a backdrop. & I cannot wait to see how you insert this into your world.

The Backdrop Itself!

Backdrop materials can come in literally thousands of different ideas, but what is so fun is you can create a backdrop that is fitting for the vibe of photos you want to take. The backdrop shown today is simply a white bed sheet with another bed sheet underneath. We went with this white bed sheet because we wanted softer vibes. The collection we were shooting on this particular day was very spring, so we wanted all the spring vibes. Other Backdrop Ideas…

A Bed Sheet

A Rug 

A Blanket

A set of wooden boards

An Actual backdrop that you buy.

Literally, the possibilities are endless. If you actually scroll on down, you will see a backdrop made from large flat lay boards. We used both the white side and the natural wood side. 


The Set Up!

When setting up a backdrop you are legit setting up a larger scale of a flat lay. Check out the “Different Flat Lay Set Ups” blog to get more of an idea. 

But you are going to want to set up in an area that has natural light seeping through. This could be set up outside or inside. 


Unless you are going for the sunshine in your face vibe set your backdrop at a diagonal from the sun. 




That way it creates beautiful natural shadows, but you also get that beautiful glow. 


When setting a backdrop up inside you have to make sure you have natural light. If natural light is something you don’t have then set the backdrop up close to a window or invest in some artificial lights. You can find my favorite artificial lights in the “Gift Ideas For The Photographer In You” blog.

So, if you are looking at the image right now on the left side of the image is where I have three HUGE widows that are pouring natural light in. On the right side of the image is a white wall that is reflecting the natural light that is bouncing off creating beautiful shadows. This backdrop is literally set up in the corner of my office. I have it in the corner and not straight on simply because with it being honestly a bigger flat lay set up I needed more space, but I also needed that wall to bounce light off and onto the backdrop set up.

Being Creative.

My friend, be creative as you would like. If you do not want to mess up anything you already own or just want to go buy instead. Do it! Go purchase a few different color bed sheets. Add a stool in the backdrop or a chair. Use this idea for your brand or business or even a fun idea for your kiddos on a Saturday. This is meant to be fun and very creative. 

My goodness friends, I cannot wait to see what y’all come up with. Even though my backdrop is set up inside, totally take yours outside and be creative. You also don’t have to keep the backdrop in the frame. Back up and expose the backdrop for what it is. So, the reality of the backdrop, but also show what the backdrop can do if you don’t show the reality. If you have any questions you know where to reach me, but happy creating my friends.