Tips & Tricks: Getting Ready For A New Year … or even a new month!


It is officially the end of the year & you know what that means. Time to get ready for the new year. Lots of goal setting, revamping welcome guides, refreshing websites & so much more. Legit the list could simply go on and on. & honestly this can all be overwhelming. You sit down and you’re like ok let’s get ready for this new year, but then it starts to freak you out. My friend I am here to say, “Let’s do this together!” & “Let’s make this a fun process not an overwhelming one.” I have laid out some of the best tips and tricks to get ready for that new year. & honestly all of this doesn’t just have to happen for a new year. No, all of these tips and tricks are perfect if you are wanting to work towards a new month.

Tip 1: Set Actual & Achievable Goals!

I fall victim to this every stinkin time. I sit down to work on my goals and after 30 minutes I have written out a million goals, but my friend we cannot do a million things at once. & where do you go once those goals are out on paper? The thing about it is goals are great in all, but are they actual and achievable goals? 

Here is some questions to ask yourself before making a plan;

Are these goals for business or personal?

Do any of these goals go hand in hand?

If I had to rank these goals what order would I rank them?

Tip 2: Make A Plan For Your Goals

Once, you have your goals broken up in a way that will help you make a plan, then let’s make a plan. Here are some questions to get your mind turning. 

Do these goals need dates? Are they weekly dates, monthly, or yearly dates? (Example: If My goal is to shoot more seniors then I might want to make a monthly goal for seniors. If I want to make a goal of shooting at a certain location then I might want to schedule a date to have it done by.)

Do these goals need something to back them up, so they can be accomplished? (Example: If I want to keep my goal of posting a blog every Wednesday, then I will probably need to set aside time to make sure that I will be able to achieve that goal. 

Do I need something to achieve these goals? ( Example: if my goal is to be more organized then maybe I want to buy some new color pens to keep myself organized through my planner.)

Do what works best for you. Even if you need to take one goal at a time. Honestly, I have to choose one goal at a time cause I tend to want to do them all at once & then I get overwhelmed and give up on them all. Start small. & allow those goals that can flow into each other flow. (Example: if my goal is to post more blogs then maybe once that habit is created then I flow into creating extra content for each post.)

Tip 3: Get A Good Planner

I don’t care if it is digital, physical or something you create each week. Get a planner that will inspire you to keep up with your year. Not only so you can look back on your year, but also so you can stay on track. What do you mean by a good planner? I mean one that works for you. I love a good full planner; the check lists, the lines, the dinner plans. However, if I get a planner that is overloaded with items to check off I tend to get frustrated, because it was too much. I actually find myself way more productive with just a monthly calendar; attached with a set of weekly lines. 

Tip 4: Reward Yourself.

& I am not talking about fancy crazy rewards, if you meet a goal, then reward that goal. That looks differently for everyone. I am personally not someone who likes to spend money, but my love language is quality time and that includes quality time with myself. & so when I want to celebrate a win then I will rewarding my self with things that fill my love language, or even if I get to highlight things off my planner that is a win. Even though my rewards are not money spent that does not mean you cannot reward yourself with a coffee, a new set of highlighters ( I love this one), a lunch or anything to keep you going and moving forward.

Tips 5: DON’T GIVE UP!

Don’t give up! If what you set up for the new year is not accomplished by mid year then dust yourself off and get back going. ALWAYS! ALWAYS! ALWAYS keep moving forward. You are worth it. If goals scare you then set new small goals. I honestly would rather have daily goals that lead to accomplishing that bigger goal. Honestly, however you thrive when it comes to getting ready for a new year go for it. Do what works best for you.

Friend, this is your year. You go for it. All I say is keep moving forward. Don’t lose hope. Start small and get your booty moving. I believe in you & I believe in the year the Lord is about to Bless us with. I cannot wait to see y’all crush it. & remember it doesn’t have to be just a new year. It can be a new month, new week or even a new day. 

Lamentations 3:22-23

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”