Where Do I Store My Phone Photos?


Ok friends, here is the deal. We are so lucky to have small cameras and video cameras right in our pocket. We don’t have to go get them printed before we can see them and we don’t have to keep huge photo books filled with old photos, even though don’t get me wrong I love going through those. But we do however go through phones every two or so years. & as we get new phones that means we will need to have a backup location for our photos to go to. These are my favorite & I know there are more, but no matter which program/s you use please store your photos so you can have them forever. 


This is the program I use & honestly it is my favorite. The program has tons of storage before you have to get more & you can have the app on your phone (where when the app is open they will automatically filter through from your camera roll to the app.), you can access them on your computer & if you want you can even give someone access to your album.

That is another pro … you can create albums or you can leave them all in one big album.


I have personally never used amazon photos, but I know a lot of people that do and love them. Their favorite feature is that you can connect them to your fire stick and your Alexa. This app is also for free and you can also use an app with it. 


This is also one that I personally do use, but if you would like to keep your photos in the same place with protection this is a bonus. Yes, you can keep them on your phone and they will automatically transfer from phone to phone. The downfall is you do have to pay for storage over time. 


Yup, an old fashioned hard drive. Even though I personally use Google Photos as my main location, I also do a big dump into my hard drive that I connect to my computer. The nice thing about this is you can dump them onto your hard drive, customize the folders and albums, but the downfall is you do have to remember to dump your photos. I would not recommend using this as your main location, but I would for sure use it as a backup. The reason I would not use it as a main location is … let’s say you dump your photos every six months. Well if your phone crashes between dumps then you will not have access to the photos that didn’t get dumped yet.

Here is the deal! No matter where you store your photos I truly recommend finding something that works best for you, or even all of these. We are blessed to have our photos in our back pocket, but we still have to take care of them and make sure they follow us over the years to come.