Senior Session Check - List


Oh my goodness friend, it is time for your senior session! What an absolute adventure this will be. I simply cannot wait to capture your story. My goal behind this session is you will always be able to look back on these photos and remember all the amazing memories you made, the accomplishments you achieved and the blessing that came your way. However, let’s make sure you have all your ducks in a row before we get this party started. 

Senior Session Check - List

  • Is your cap and gown ready?

  • Is your gown steamed or ironed?

  • Are your outfits ready?

  • Are there any accessories that go with the outfit that you need? (Shoes, Jewelry, ect.)

  • Are there any props you would like to include? (Confetti, Champagne, Books, ect.)

  • If you are bringing a pet, are their items packed up? (Treats, Favorite Toy, Collar & Leash, ect.)

  • If you have people joining you, have you told or reminded them the date, time, & location?

Your senior session is going to be amazing & I know that it will completely be unique to you. Each of these items on this list are the main pieces that you will need when it comes to your session, however if you have more questions or if you are thinking about anything else, please let me know. I am always happy to help. 


You are BEAUTIFUL, you are ENOUGH & you are ENOUGH. My hope is that you will see just how amazing you are through these photos. Find outfits that will make you feel beautiful and confident. Try on each outfit with all the accessories beforehand to make sure you feel 100%. Don’t worry about the poses, I will help with that. The poses will be completely you and absolutely natural and fun. This session is about you and who you are & honestly you are epic!

Be Sweet,