There Is Always Room At The Table


Have you ever heard that quote, “Don’t have room at the table? Then build a longer one.” My friend, there is always room at the table. We need you and who you are. We need your hopes, your dreams & we especially need the purpose that the Lord has created WITHIN you.

The enemy tries to tell us…

That there isn’t room for you

There isn’t room for someone at your table

That you are not good enough

That they might steal your idea

That the market is oversaturated

That you will never be what they are


Here is the deal my friend, the purpose that the Lord created WITHIN you is something so beautiful, so bold and absolutely earth shattering that the enemy wants to do everything he can do to push you away from who the Lord has called you to be. Why does he not want you to be who you are? Because you are very thing that shines light on this dark world. his goal is to steal, kill and destroy & if you are walking firmly in your purpose, then you are getting in the way of his plan. Regardless of what the enemy is telling you, there is always room at the table.

The Lord has created all things & along with all things He has created two very important things, that goes with our topic. He has created your purpose & He has created the path in which you will take to fulfill that purpose. So, let me just drop a tiny bomb on what that means. That means there is nothing you can do or they can do to mess that up.

Made a mistake? Who cares, the Lord knew you would and is still going to push you forward!

She has the same career, idea or whatever as you? Who cares, the Lord knew that, created that and will continue to push you both forward.

There isn’t enough room! Then my friend you build a longer table! The Lord gave us people for a reason. To serve, encourage & to continue to lift each other up. No room? Then make it. They need you and you for sure need them!

I am not good enough! That is enough of that! You are beyond good enough. The Lord thought you were so good enough that He created you, created you a purpose WITHIN you and still wants to push you forward.

Let’s stop listening to the lies of what the enemy is telling us & start encouraging each other to push forward. There is room! There is always room. Expand your table. In Fact, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20. Don’t be afraid to grow your table. We each have a purpose that is our purpose & that purpose was created and designed WITHIN us, for us. So, let’s cheer each other one! Let’s encourage each other to be the best we possibly can be. & Let’s push each other to continue to move forward!

No Room At The Table? Then Build A Longer One!

Be Sweet,