New School Year? Let’s Go!


Oh my friends! We have made it to another school year! Gosh, how exciting is this! A time to start a fresh new season, create new memories and to move forward into who we are called to be. My friend, if you are reading this and you are starting a new school year; a high school student, a college student, a teacher, a coach, whatever the case might be I know for a fact this is your year. Your year to shine, your year to grow & your year to make an impact. How will you put your best foot forward this year? Let’s dive into some things to be mindful of when it comes to starting a new year!


Oh if you are someone who loves to journal then my friend take this opportunity to journal a few key points of each day. This can be done in the morning for what you are excited about, done in the evening for what you were grateful for on that day or it can be done in both.

Take Photos

Let’s say you are a visual person and you don’t know if you will enjoy writing down something everyday. Take a photo of something you want to remember each day. 

Do Both!

Heck, let’s say if you want to do both then create a vision journal. This is where you add both photos and words. It almost makes a small scrapbook. This is something I like to do when I travel. I love saving tea tags or water bottle labels. Sounds weird, but such great memories and creativity. But back to the point. Make a memory book out of your year.

Try New Things

Have you always wanted to join a new club or start meeting up with a friend once a week for coffee? Try a new sport or a new place to study. 

Create Healthy Habits

Take this time to really look at some habits you would love to change. Do you want to start waking up earlier, start working out, or even start cooking a fun meal. Take this opportunity to create habits that will help you achieve your goals and dreams

Spend Quiet Time With Jesus

As a new year starts, things can get pretty crazy. The chaos of it all can cause a burn out or even derail us off what we are achieving. Try getting quiet and spending time with Jesus to get your mind right and ready to attack each day. No matter what time you choose for this to happen just let it be something you create between you and the Lord.

& Soak It All In

No matter if you are student, teacher, parent, coach, business woman … you get the point. Soak this school year up. Take each day as it comes and continue to be the best you that you possibly can be. This year will be exactly what you make it. If you choose to have an amazing year that is exactly what you will have. If you choose to rush it because you are ready to move on to bigger and better things, then you will rush it and miss the opportunities and blessings that will come your way. My Friend, I believe in you and know this is your year.

Be Sweet,