But I Don't ... STOP! Just Move Foward!


But I don’t have 10,000 followers!

But I don't have enough money!

But I don’t have a degree in that!

But I don’t think I can!

But I don’t think I am good enough!

But I don’t have time!

But I don’t have the confidence!

I get it friend, Achieving our hopes and dreams is hard. Every time we have the boldness to move forward we are faced with fear phrases like this that stops us dead in our tracks. My friends, let’s be honest I have said every single one of these. & honestly I bet there are even more. These phrases come up when we are moving forward. Whether that is moving forward for your brand or business, moving forward for your health, moving forward in your purpose & so many more. Anytime we are faced with moving forward, especially if it is in the direction the Lord called us to go, then the enemy will usher in fear and stop us from becoming all the Lord has called us to do. 

Now, I know that there are so many fear phrases out there, but let’s take the ones above and cover the lies with truth.

Fear: But I don’t have 10,000 followers!

Truth: You don’t need 10,000 followers to make an impact or reach your goals. If you cannot serve those that already follow you, then how will you serve the 10,000? Start where you are and serve who you have.

Fear: But I don't have enough money!

Truth: You don’t need enough money to move forward & if you do need money have faith in the Lord that he will provide. Instead of looking at the bigger items to complete your goal or dream, look at what you do have and work your way up.

Fear: But I don’t have a degree in that!

Truth: In the world we live in today you most likely don’t need a degree in that. I have an Agriculture Communications degree & I have been a product photographer, assistant apparel designer, social media manager, marketing agent and so much more. & now I work for myself. If you do, the Lord will provide a way for you to move forward. Research & look, but if you don’t move forward you will never know. 

Fear: But I don’t think I can!

Truth: Well you can! It just takes moving forward in faith!

Fear: But I don’t think I am good enough!

Truth: Oh that’s cute! You are more than enough. Open your bible and read the whole book of Ephesians. Better yet. I have a Free devotion to the full book of Ephesians. CLICK HERE & Click DEVOTION. My friend you are not only more than enough, you were created for this exact purpose and plan the Lord has given you & spoiler alert the enemy knows how great you are and he is doing everything he can to knock you off your feet.

Fear: But I don’t have time!

Truth: We have all been given the same amount of time in a day. How you choose to use that time is up to you. If you don’t have time then make time. Wake up earlier, use your lunch break, or replace wasteful time. If it is important to you, then you will make time for it.

Fear: But I don’t have the confidence!

Truth: The Lord never asked you to have the confidence. He has asked you to trust Him. One thing that has helped me anytime I feel like I do not have confidence is to step back and pray this prayer. “God, I do not have confidence in this certain situation, but I do have confidence in You and Who You are. & that is enough for me. Lord, will you give me your strength and wash it over me.” You don’t have to have confidence the Lord already has it and is willing to help at any time of need.

You don't need to have it all figured out. You just need to have faith and keep pushing. See the thing is we aren’t given all the answers we are just asked to trust the Lord. If He was to give us all the answers then the journey wouldn’t be as rewarding. Sitting where you are right now. Think about how far you personally have come. Imagine if you knew all the details would you be as appreciative as you are? Would you have learned and grown? See the thing is trusting in the Lord during these times of fear not only helps or benefits the project we are working on now. It also builds our confidence for when it is time to move forward on the next project. 

You are good enough and you don’t need to have all your ducks in a row. You just need to move forward in what the Lord has called you to do. Yes, the end is always so rewarding, but the journey is also so beautiful. I am cheering you on. I believe in you & I know you can move forward.

Be Sweet,
