Let's chat Props

One of the very first questions I receive when talking details for a photography session is … “What kind of props do I need to bring?” The answer to this question is kinda like, “How do you like your burger?” It is not a one size fits all for each senior, it is truly tailored around you and your story. So, let’s talk about what kind of props you should bring.

School Spirited

You should for sure bring any props that are centered around school spirit; your letterman jacket, your painted overalls, awards you would like to show … the list can go on. But if it is centered around the school or something you received from the school, let’s go ahead and add those in there. 

Sentimental Props

These are centered around people or things that got you through school; have a thank you mom and dad or thank you grandma and grandpa sign? You should bring it. Do you have a special necklace that someone left you? Then let’s make sure we get a photo of that.

Fun Props

Have you ever seen the glitter or confetti photos? Those are props that can be added into the fun category. These are the props that just add excitement to your session. Let’s not go crazy, by adding a TON of these props, but let’s for sure use some.

Props are never meant to take away from your session; they are only meant to add to your session. If it is a prop that doesn’t tell your story or make sense for your session then we should probably leave those at home. Less is always more! If you ever have any questions about which props to bring and how many, feel free to ask. I am always happy to help.

Be Sweet,