I Can Do Hard Things!


You can do hard things! I can do hard things! We can do hard things!

Sometimes when we are faced with a hard decision we are also faced with the question … “Is it worth it?” It is already hard enough that we are faced with such a difficult decision, but to also be faced with the questioning that goes on. Should I do this, Should I do that, this is right, no this is right, & so on. But let’s chat about hard things.

That Little Voice

That little voice inside your head is absolute noise. The thing is when the Lord speaks to us He isn’t speaking in a loud voice. He is speaking to our hearts & you have to get quiet, turn all the other noise off and really listen to what He has to say. That voice of questions … is not from the Lord. That voice of insecurite … is not from the Lord. That voice of negativity … is not from the Lord. The thing is .. the Lord is good. In all things He is good. He only wants what is best for you. He created you why would He not want what’s best. So, take a moment to turn that noise down & ask Him for His help through this hard thing.

Hard Things

Here is the thing, hard things are hard, but that is exactly what they are … HARD! So, obviously we would rather take the easier route. However, my dear friend, there is not growth in the easier things. That’s the thing, when we take the easy way out we don’t have to rely on anything. You don’t have to press forward through the hard nasty stuff. When we choose to do hard things we are choosing to have faith in the Lord knowing we don’t know what will happen, but what we do know is that He will provide. & once we are through that hard thing the amount of growth that will happen is amazing. Not only will we grow through hard things, but also our relationship with Christ will grow stronger as well.

My friend, there is freedom when we continue to push forward into the purpose that the Lord has created WITHIN you and I. Not only has He created a purpose WITHIN you, He has also given you the STRENGTH through Him. Yes, sometimes things are hard and they suck, but you are strong, capable and so very brave. & I know for a fact that you can push through. So, in the middle of hard things, remember, you can do hard things! I believe in you!

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me STRENGTH.”

Philippians 4:13

Be Sweet,