The Colors Of Fall - 2021

I know I know we are one month into fall, but hear me out! We have one full month to go & I truly think this fall has way more to offer! So, with that being said, Yes! We are chatting about the colors of fall & I am here for it. Last year we started the colors of … series & honestly it was truly one of my favorite blogs to create.

Let’s go into a little bit of the back story of why these blogs are so sweet in my heart. I am surrounded by color on a day to day basis. Planning sessions, during the session, editing the sessions & so on. I am simply involved with color 24/7. However, it wasn’t until a few years ago where I actually had to work with colors and how they made someone feel or the vibe they were putting off. When I had the opportunity to learn more about colors it opened up my door to be more confident talking about colors to my clients. So a little disclaimer … This blog about the colors of fall is not the end all be all. Colors are a trend that inspires you & just because these are the trends I am seeing a feeling doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dive into what is pulling your heartstrings. Now that we have that out of the way let’s dive into the colors of fall.

It is interesting cause this time last year I had already dropped the colors of fall blog. We weren’t even in the season before it dropped. However, creating this blog now already being in fall for a whole month has really inspired me a whole lot more. From the colors of the trees, to trendy home decor, to the colors people are wearing. This year my heart is just bursting at the seams. 


Man oh man is this fall giving us all the terracotta vibes. & to be honest my heart usually pulls for more true, soft & bright colors, but I am loving everything about this pallet. From the strong orange and red family to the soft browns and green families … Terracotta is just gorgeous. One of my all time favorite parts about the colors being so strong this fall is the fact that they are timeless, which is an absolute win for the home decor side.

Blues & Pink Family

Terracotta is a very strong palette on it’s own, but when you add the blues and pinks they only add to the epicness. The Blues and Pinks this season is truly gorgeous because it accents so well with the other colors. They aren’t neon. They are simple, just easy on the eyes.

Having these colors as the fall trends for 2021 makes me so excited to see what the winter palette will have in store for us. My hope is these colors will transition into bringing a whole beautiful vibe to Christmas. Will there be more Terracotta? Man, I sure hope so! Happy Fall Everyone. I hope everyone of you soaks up what is left of this gorgeous fall.

Be Sweet,