When Is The Right Time To Schedule Your Senior Session?


Oooooo hello friend! I am guessing that if you have made it to this blog post that means you are curious on when is the best time to book for your senior session. I am also going to guess that you are a senior or at least close to being a senior. In the past my main clients have been college seniors, but lately high school seniors have added themselves into the mix. With that being said this blog post is going to be broken up into two parts: one for my high school seniors and one for my college seniors. Both are great & HUGE accomplishments, but they have different time frames.

College Seniors

When it comes to booking your college senior pictures you really need to make note of what is going on the last semester. At the beginning of that last semester or even the end of the second to last semester, look at what activities you have going on, your graduation date & look at when your cap and gown will be in. Once, you have a tentative idea of this then that is the perfect time to reach out. Yes, sometimes caps and gowns arrive a touch later than they say or sometimes you might have random things that pop up through the semester, but for the most part you looking at these items will truly help you have an idea of which day to shoot for.

Let’s say you do not know the exact date of the cap and gown or let’s say you have not gotten your class schedule, but you want to go ahead and reach out that way we can start creating details and forming a relationship then I highly support this decision. It is never too early to go ahead and let me know that you will be graduating and you look forward to the planning process. 

There is so much going on in your last semester of college that your senior photos should not be something that adds stress, but should be something that is exciting. So, go ahead and reach out once you feel ready to start the process. I am here to take the pressure off and to help you along the way. I promise no question is silly & 9 times out of 10 it has probably already been asked.

High School Seniors

EKKK you are about to wrap up your final year of school. When it comes to booking your high school senior session, you will need to look at which time of the year really works best for you & for your schedule. Are you someone who loves the fall and really wants those fall like vibes? Or are you someone who would rather have the spring show through your session? Or are you someone who wants to break up your senior session and have the fall and the spring. Some things to be mindful of …

  • If you want your session in the fall, most likely your grad cap and gown are not in yet. You will either need to do without and/or schedule a second date in the spring to shoot you in your cap and gown. 

  • If you want your session in the spring, you will need to make sure you plan your session around your spring activities and spring school activities (Prom, Banquets, ect.)

There is honestly not a wrong time to book your senior session when you are graduating high school, but before you start your senior year it is a good idea to go ahead and get your calendar a little organized. Have all your important dates; homecoming, sport games, plays, banquets, off school days, prom and most important graduation day. But also add things like when do you want to send your graduation cards out? When do you want to have your grad party? These are all things to be mindful of, but don’t make them make you nervous. This is the best year of high school and it truly should be a blast. It is also never too early to go ahead and reach out that way if you have questions as far as planning a date or gathering your items and outfits I am able to help. I am here to make your year even better, to create memories so do not hesitate to reach out.

No matter if you are graduating high school or graduation this final year is truly something to remember. DO IT ALL!!! Go to as many sporting events as possible, go to homecoming & prom, & honestly enjoy every moment. This year is going to fly by and honestly the closer you get to graduation the faster it will fly, so take it all in. I cannot wait to create more memories for you and celebrate your accomplishments. Remember no question is silly and most likely it has already been asked, so I support you.