Tips For Shooting On A Cloudy Day!


Let’s chat about some important tips for shooting on a cloudy day. I know you have heard they phrase, “Oh isn’t it easier to shoot on a cloudy day?” or “Isn’t it prettier when it’s cloudy?” & while the answer might be yes, the answer is also no. So, if you find yourself in a situation where your shadows are too deep, the image is a touch muddy or even find dark shadows under your individual’s eye then these tips will be perfect for you. 

Before we dive into the tips let's chat about why cloudy days are in fact not the easiest to shoot in. When you have a sunny day you are focused on the sun and working with the sun. But when your day is cloudy some key factors you need to keep in mind are; where is the sun, how deep are my shadows, how do I make my shadows not so harsh and why is this background so muddy. There are so many things to keep in mind that all work together on a cloudy day. So, to answer that second question in the first paragraph, “is it prettier when it’s cloudy?” It can be.

Tip #1 - Softer Shadows

When we shoot on cloudy days we either have soft shadows or super harsh shadows. This is because we are either facing the sun or we have our individual’s backs to the sun. Yes, even on a cloudy day the sun is still out in about. That is why we can see. If you are wanting those softer and brighter shadows then have your individual face the sun. This will help the natural shadows, but it will also take the super dark circles out of their eyes. I know you are like Dixie what the heck no, I am not having my clients face the sun, but my friend this is the beauty behind a cloudy day. & if you are not able to face the sun, then when editing your image you will need to add highlights to their eyes to take those shadows away.

Tip #2 - Finding The Sun

As you start shooting more and more naturally you will be better about knowing where the sun is at all times, but if you are unable to find where the sun is I want you to try this trick.

  • Go outside

  • Put your hand out and extend your arm, like you are waving at someone.

  • Keep your arm and hand out and turn your feet in a circle.

  • As you turn notice the shadows on your hands (Between your knuckles, over the tendons and so on)

  • Once, you have no shadows on your hand then you know that is where the sun is and have your clients stand in that direction.

There is hope. You will get to the point where you will know where the sun is, but whenever you are in a new location it is hard to find at times.

Tip #3 - None Muddy Backgrounds

Not only is it cloudy, but most likely it has rained & when it rains it saturates the ground, the trees and everything around you. When backgrounds are naturally saturated by the rain it can be harder to pull those colors up, and they tend to appear muddier. So, find soft color backgrounds. Roads that have been dried up, brick that has been dried or even walls that are softer in color. However, if you simply cannot get away from the dark trees or saturated ground then pull your individuals off that background more than you usually would. Yes, they will still be in the background, but they will not be as harsh in the background like normal. & let’s day you have to have them in your background then no worries my friend you can always bring the color up in Lightroom.

Cloudy days are just as fun as sunny days, because at the end of the day you are having to be creative and find the best position that will be great for your client. Extend grace to yourself & if you ever have free time in the middle of a cloudy day test these tips out. & let’s say you are someone who likes the darker shadows and the richer backgrounds, then just do the opposite of the tips. I support you my friend. Just because it is a cloudy day, doesn’t mean you can be the best you possibly can be. I truly believe in you.