What is my business missing?



Before I am honest yes, this is a real thing and it is becoming very important.

Ok, now let’s be honest I totally thought I made “Visual Marketing” up. Simply because when you say photography people do not take it that seriously. However, in the day and age we live in people are drawn to the things they see. & being visually appealing is so important to get your brand/business across your corner of the internet. 

Now, yes you could just take a photo and call it a day, but let’s be honest there is a lot more to it than that, so let’s break it down.


Consistency! Consistency! Consistency! I cannot use this word enough & yes I am preaching it to myself also. Consistency is a game changer … in EVERY part of your business. Being consistent with how you take your photos. Being consistent with how you edit your photos. Being consistent with how you display your images. The list could go on and on. Being consistent is so much more than just having structure with your visual marketing, while you are being consistent you are creating your Brand/Business’s own style.

Find your brand/business style

This category is often the missing piece to your visual marketing, simply because it is one that just like photography sometimes gets overlooked. Why does my Brand/Business even need a style? Why can’t my style just be that I am a ________ Boutique? Or I sell ________ & they already have a style and I don’t need a separate one. These are all valid questions. However, your style is what brings people back to you and your business/brand. You are not just selling them a product, you are selling them a lifestyle or to be a part of a community that they feel oh so proud to support. Your style is what sets you apart from the rest of the peeps in your area of brand/business. For Example: in the town I currently live in there are at least 5-7 boutiques and most are less than 3 miles away from each other. Each one of them has their own style and that is what separates them from each other. Now, some of them might carry the same things, but they show it off in a completely different way. FIND YOUR STYLE.

Never Half Do

Nothing and I mean nothing is good half done. I blame this one on my dad. Growing up he instilled in my sisters and I to never half do something. Never half do the dishes. Never half do mowing the yard. Never half do our relationship with Christ. Literally, as I am writing this I simply cannot think of anything good that is half done. Except for cookie dough, now that is good half done. NEVER HALF DO VISUAL MARKETING FOR YOUR BRAND/BUSINESS. Never half do your photography. Never half do your style. Never half do how you are going to present them. Never Half Do. My friend your brand/business is worth going the extra mile for & I promise you. It will pay off. 

Find What Works for you

In the middle of working your butt off and in the middle of being consistent ultimately find what works for you and do that the best and the most consistent you possibly can do. The beautiful thing about visual marketing is it is different all across the board. What works for that boss babe, might not work for you and what works for you might not work for others. Extend grace to your heart, while you are finding what works for you and be 100% you. You are what this world needs.

You ask, “Dixie J, I literally don’t even know where to begin.” And I say, “That is ok … there is legit no one stop shop, if there was then your brand/business would look and feel just like everyone else. & you are more than that, & so is your business. This is why I am here to help! I want to teach you to do all the things, but not in the way it has to be done, but in a way that can be unique to you and your brand/business. Let’s keep diving in and pushing forward. This party is just getting started.