Let's Break It Down: Lifestyle Product Photography

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Do you feel like your lifestyle product photos are missing that extra % of greatness? Or do you feel like giving up just because you dread them? Or maybe you just wish they were more fun. I get it I totally do. Or maybe you feel like you are going to go crazy.

One: You are not going crazy & Two: I am here to help.

Product Photography is one of those things that looks easy, but it takes practice to make them truly represent your brand. So, let's break it down. Let’s take some of the pressure off yourself and add that extra energy into your business. 


Consistency is in everything we do. Because something worth having or doing is worth the time and effort. So, how do we stay consistent? Through the colors, location, & individuals you choose along with how you edit and use your images. They all go hand and hand. What is the best way to stay consistent? We have to be mindful and prepared. & how do we do that? Well I have attached the biggest thing that has helped me with brands and businesses.

Business Shot List

Brand Shot List

*Fill Free to print and save both of these. Even if you are just a business go ahead and save the brand one too.* 

Shot List- a shot list is the perfect way to prepare for a session, but also a way to create consistent habits while shooting. 

Brand Shot List - a brand shot list is the perfect way to prepare for the things you are wanting to show off. & make sure you do not forget anything.

They are both perfect for keeping track of your lifestyle, but also keeping track of what you have shot.

Before any business or brand shoot I create a shot list. Over time you will create consistent habits and you won't have to fill in ALL the blanks, but this will help you make sure you stay in the lanes of highlighting your products in the best way possible, while allowing you to get outside your comfort zone in other areas like posing. You can be creative, while you are being consistent with colors, locations and who is in your images. 


Location does not mean shoot in the same location every single time. When I say location I mean be aware of your location. Your location is broken up in a few different categories. 

  • Basic Location: This is where you will shoot more than often. Example: A downtown, around the same buildings.

  • Contrast Main Location: This is where you will also shoot often at, but it contrasts with the main location. Example: A field or a group of trees to add some nature into your images.

When it comes to your location be creative and allow yourself to shoot out of the box. This next category will help when being creative with locations.


Be mindful of the colors that are around you. If your brand/business sells skin care products and the bottle is black, shoot your product image in a place where the background colors are lighter. This will allow your product to be 100% the focal point and will allow your customer’s eyes to be drawn to it. The colors in your background should help sell your product, not take away from it. 

If colors & location overwhelm you that’s ok. Give yourself some grace and time to sort through them, but a good rule of thumb is if you’re showing a darker product use a location that is contrast to that item and vis versa. & as you continue to create consistent habits you will be able to be creative in so many other areas.

*Secret Tip*

shoot multiple shots with multiple poses. No, not like 5,000 images for just one product. Let me break it down, but I promise you there will be a full blog devoted to just this tip alone. Here is the scenario, your brand/business sells shirts & you use an individual to wear your shirts to not only show the fit, but to also bring a lifestyle to your brand/business.

Image 1:

smiling at the camera

Image 2:

looking off

Image 3:

A close up of the details on the shirt

Images 4-6:

A pose that is fun or creative, but that still shows off the shirt in a way that your customer could see themselves wear your shirt. 

So, from just one product you have around 4-6 images that you could use in different ways, but still getting the most out of your product.

This formula also saves you and your model from getting warn out. Keep in mind just like you are behind the camera so is the individual on the other side. Being productive, but also mindful of your time is so important.

My friend, I promise you there will be more to come when it comes to the subject. However, in the meantime be creative. Allow yourself to grow and try new things. Your product image is what you make of them and the beautiful thing is you are the creative director of your brand/business, so keep moving forward & stay tuned.

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