How To Photograph Neon!



I am so sorry! But, I do. I absolutely hate it. I never want to put myself in a box, but I would be considered a light and airy photographer & when it comes to neon it gives me all the frustration. However, I know that I cannot just hide from it forever, so I have created a game plan & now I walk away from shooting neon feeling like a total boss babe. So, here are my favorite tips for how to shoot neon.


Tip #1 - Find Those Darker Locations!

You don’t have to box yourself in with only super dark color locations. No, but find those shadow locations that pull in darker elements that keeps the focus on the neon item. Like the example below. This location is not super dark, but there are a lot of shadows in the cover roof, the dark edges in the windows, the asphalt road has no highlights and even the lights behind her head add to the fact that this location is a touch darker.


Tip #2 - Watch For Those Highlights & Reflecting Highlights!

Highlights mean those lighter spots that the sun is hitting. For example, if the sun was hitting the asphalt then it would cause this image to be brighter, which is fine, but it would take away from the neon yellow to be the full statement. Highlights tend to reflect. & what I mean by that is that when the sun hits the ground whatever color is on the ground will reflect back off. Take this image for example; in front of Taylor there were no highlights reflecting her shorts, which kept the real neon yellow color in the shorts and not whatever color was reflecting back on her. 


Tip #3 - Allow Yourself To Edit Differently

I am not saying that you need to change your whole way of editing. No! What I am saying is allow yourself to edit a little differently. If your lifestyle is more light and airy add highlights in the back of the image that does not come close to the neon item. (Example In The Image; The sky and the buildings that have sunlight highlighted on them.) Then when editing bring your shadows, exposure, & highlights up a touch, but not too much. BUT … make sure you watch the neon item while you edit so you do not lose its true colors. 

NEON … can be tricky, but it is doable. Be creative and take the time to try different places with different neon. & try different neon on different backgrounds. Always extend yourself some grace. You will get there and it will be great.