Where Do I Start With Content Creation?

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Creating Content can be overwhelming but we have to begin somewhere, so let’s break down where to even start.

Scheduling Time Out

My friend, you and your business are worth setting time aside. Setting time aside looks differently for everyone, so what works for you might not work for someone else. It may take you once a month or even more to create content. Regardless, stick to what works best for you.

Get Rid Of All Distractions

You have already taken the first step and set time aside so the last thing you need to do is fill your time with distractions. For me this looks like NOT creating content at my desk. I usually go to a local coffee shop or spread out everything on the floor of my office. Regardless, limit your distractions.

Download and use the content calendar.

The content calendar is set up in a way that will make planning content so much easier. This calendar is actually set up like a 30/31 day news feed on instagram. & even though your normal calendar starts with the first day at the top, let’s do the opposite and go bottom up. This way when you are planning it will match your instagram feed instead of being opposite. Go ahead and number and date your squares.


Add Consistent Days

These are things you do every month no matter the month. Examples; Motivation Monday, Blog Wednesday, Friday Introductions and so on. However, these do not have to be the same day of the week. This could also be … every first day of the month you announce something, the 2nd and/or 4th day of the month you feature something and so on. If you do not have consistent days then start off with creating just one and then add more as time goes on. 

Add Fun Days

These are birthdays, holidays, anniversaries or anything fun that opens the door into your life and let’s the people who follow along see into your world. Remember … people don’t just want to buy from you they want to feel like they are a part of something.

Add In Anything You Want To Show Off

This could be products you already have or products that you are planning on getting, a service you offer or even something you are passionate about. This is where your brand or business is really shown through on your social media.

Last But Not Least, Add Your Fillers

You might have a product that you have already shown, but you want to show another side to it or show it is in a different way. This is also a good way of adding in those posts that are helpful to your clients; how to’s, inspirations or a good to know about your brand or business.

Creating Content is something that can be overwhelming, but start somewhere and allow yourself to be inspired. Also, extend grace to yourself. If creating content is not a habit you already possess then most likely we are going to be breaking some bad habits as we start and trading them in for good ones. If you want more in dept information over this topic check out the Content Creation & Keeping a Cohesive Feed Course. Just remember I believe in you and know you can do it!