5 Tips For An Easier Flat Lays


“Flat Lays are so time consuming.”

“I just can’t get creatively into Flat Lays.”

“I don’t need Flat Lays for my business or brand.”


I know these are all things you are thinking or have thought before. However, I am here to tell you that you can do it. & I am also here to give you tips on how to make them easier for you and you might even fall in love with them.

First and foremost. What is the point of flat lays and how can they help you with your brand or business?

  • They are perfect not only for social media, but they are also perfect for your website. 

  • Perfect for creating advertisement graphics.

  • Allows you to show off the product more than just one way. 

  • Perfect for breaking up just model photos on your social platforms and website.

  • Stronger detail shots.

  • Perfect addition to the lifestyle you are creating within your business or brand. 

My heavens the list could go on and on. & this is just the tip of the iceberg. Flat lays can be overwhelming, but with time and effort they can add so much value to your business. & I am here to help. So, here are the tips.


This step is so important, but oftentimes skipped over. First, start with a clean slate. Find an open area that will give you plenty of room to not only shoot, but also to lay out all your products. Allow yourself to see everything that way you can get a game plan. The last thing you want to do is be staring at your products on your flat lay surface not knowing how you want to display it all. Once, you are all organized then get your background all set up. 


Lighting. Yes, something this simple is so very important. Find the perfect natural light. This can be inside or outside. If you are shooting inside, shoot by a smooth natural light. Stay away from harsh lighting. Smooth natural light gives you perfect shadows, while harsh lighting leaves spots on your product. The perfect lighting will not only make editing easier, it will also make shooting easier and make your colors stand out boldly.


Even though a person isn’t wearing or holding the product, the product should always still be the center of attention. This does not mean directly in the center, but it does mean that your eyes should be able to draw near to the product you are trying to sell. If your eyes do not draw near to your product, I would for sure change your placement up. When placing clothes or shoes keep in mind, “If a normal body wouldn’t adjust or move that way, don’t position your product that way. Stick to simple natural wrinkles and folds. Don’t be afraid to move things around or try something new. Grab a hanger for shirts to show that it can fancier and worth hanging up. Don’t be afraid of folding your shirts or jeans for more room or to show off a certain detail. This tip deserves its own blog post and I promise to link it here when that time comes. But allow yourself to be creative. 


Adding Additional items is the perfect way to help create a lifestyle that your customers want to be apart of. It also helps tell your store. For Example: featuring an epic beach bag; add in a few things that would go in the perfect beach bag. These items are not meant to take away from the beach bag, but to add value, tell a story and create a lifestyle your customer can envision. These additional items should stay in your business/brands lifestyle. If you are a company that sells strictly working out equipment; I would probably stick with only adding items that will help keep your customers motivated to work out and seeing themselves using your equipment. KEEP IT SIMPLE. Less is always more, especially in this case.


CONSISTENT, CONSISTENT, CONSISTENT. This does not mean don’t be creative, but in all areas stay consistent. Your backgrounds, additional items, shooting and editing. What I mean is, if you use soft background colors for your model/lifestyle images, stay with the same formula for your flat lay background. Or another example always uses the same editing technique; either the same preset or the same lighting scenarios. The Free Lightroom Editing App is a perfect way to stay consistent.

My friend, creating flat lays is so much easier than it looks. However, they are not like riding a bike, once you do it you can always do it. No, it is like working out, you have to keep doing it to get better at it. & as you continue to create flat lays your creative muscle will get stronger. If you are looking for a preset to edit your images check the ones out in the shop, there is one called the Brands and Businesses. This one is perfect for flat lays. I cannot wait to see what y’all create. Feel free to tag me in them or send them my way. Be sure to also sign up for the mailing list, I never want you to miss out on the party.