
I am so over not loving how God made me. I am over wasting so much time stressing over the scale and the numbers. I am over looking at clothes and saying, “Well, one day!” I am so over the one quick fix to the next. It is truly a roller coaster. & I am so over being the meanest person … TO MYSELF! IT IS ENOUGH!

We live in a world where everything is on social media … & I mean everything. There have been so many movements and declarations out there about women; their bodies mainly. & while these movements have a strong message the heart of it all is that we need to change our mindset and our hearts, and start to see ourselves the way the Lord does.

Your body doesn’t need to be the main thing that changes, it is your heart and mindset that needs an adjustment. While I am so thankful to see that so and so is embracing their curves or freckles, I truly believe that it is deeper than that. We need to stop looking at the outward and start looking at our heart and our soul. & honestly start looking at Who created us … & why He created us. 

The Lord created you, yes, you! He created you. He loves you. He is enthralled by you. He cares for your heart. He cares for your soul. There is not a day that goes by that He does not just adore you. He is there through the good and happy times. He is there through the hard and struggle times. He is good. In Isaiah 40:26, “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by NAME. Because of His great power and mighty strength, NOT one of them is missing.” Not a single star is missing. & don’t you think you are more than a star.

God created you in His own image. When you stress or worry over your body image, don’t you think the Lord just wants you to see you the way He sees you? Because let’s be real, when you do stress and worry over your body image or not having enough that is NOT from the Lord, that is most definitely the enemy who wants nothing more than to distract you and tear you down. Think about this for a moment. If those thoughts were from the Lord then why would He have created you? He created you and adores you above everything. Psalm 45:11 “Let the King be enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord.”

You notice how when the enemy attacks you, he always attacks your image or your outward appearance first? he knows that if he can break down your outward that eventually he can tear down your inward. My friend, you are more than that. You are thought of and cared for. & it is time to get on a heart check diet. I promise you, when you start to change your heart and start to break those nasty bad habits, that you will see the outside in a much different light.

This isn’t a body image issue this is a heart issue and honestly the habit of always attacking who we are and what we look like. I am not saying let’s sit around and say, “WHATEVER!” No, be active. Do something everyday that is good for you and your body. Let’s also take time to change our mindset and change our hearts. Start small; “Today I will catch what I say & add a positive truth to cover that lie.” or “today I will walk around the block and thank God for every part of who I am.” or “I will pray and ask for strength as the Lord starts to mold and shape my heart, so I can see myself the way He sees me.” We are Women and the Lord designed our bodies in a way that can bring light into this world. & it is time to start seeing that the light we put off is a direct reflection of our hearts. You are beautiful. You are enough. & My friend, You are exquisite!

Ephesians 1:11 “In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His Will,”

God, you alone are the Maker and Creator of this world and everything in it. You are good. I pray and I ask that every person that reads these words will start to see themselves the way you see them. I pray and ask for strength as we break the chains of lying to ourselves. I know that you have created us for beautiful purposes and pray we can live those out. I love you and adore you. In Jesus’s name, AMEN.