25 Content Creation Ideas


We have all been there … it is time to create content and honestly you have no idea what to post. You have carved out time and are ready to put pen to paper, but when you finally sit down … NOTHING! I get it! I have not only been there, but I still feel this way a lot my self. Regardless if you are new to business or have been in business for the last 5+ years content creation is new and very much unique to your brand or business.

First, let me start off by saying how proud I am of you for carving out time to put your business first. Yes, Content creation works … when it is used in the right way. When you create content you are actually creating content that will be put out into the world to display your brand or business. No matter if it is current content or future content it still matters. I have brain stormed a lot of different content topics and honestly, I am hopping this takes a little bit of pressure off you. So, let’s dive in.

  1. Tell us about, you!

  2. What is the story behind your brand or business name?

  3. Where are you located? & Why you choose that spot!

  4. Your favorite memory with your brand or business?

  5. Do you have weekly posts? #TalkingTuesday #Let’sLookThursday #TacoTuesday

  6. What you are excited about for that day. or week. or month.

  7. Show us a product; physical or digital

  8. Tell us about a service you offer. (Do you give out lemon water at your business? Do you offer one on one communication?)

  9. Show us a piece of your branding. (Stickers or branding colors)

  10. What are your future goals?

  11. Show us something new that you have in store or that you offer.

  12. Behind the scene.

  13. The faces one might encounter with your brand or business

  14. National Holidays (Cinco De Mayo, St. Patricks Day & the Big ones)

  15. Your enneagram number

  16. Your favorite Quality

  17. Something you are grateful for

  18. An answer to a question you get a lot about. (Store hours, do you travel? yes or no)

  19. A look into your life outside of branding and business

  20. Someone you are grateful for (the post man for delivering all your packages to your store? or your most recent client.)

  21. Something you are doing that day ( Today, we are receiving xyz products and we cannot wait to show you)

  22. Your products or other brand’s product’s being used. (Network marketing companies this is a great one.)

  23. Show an outside hobby (Do you sell work out clothes? So a photo of you actually wearing them while working out.)

  24. Pet photos are always a good idea.

  25. Selfie of you in your everyday business life.

Here is the deal! You have to be excited or someone excited about sharing what you are creating or the creative part of creating will not be there. If you are not excited to share then I can promise you that your peeps will not be excited to partake in that content. Pro Tip: if you are sitting down to work on content creation step away from any and all distractions. The best way to get the wheels turning is if you actually carve that time out and treat it with respect. Friends, I cannot wait to see what you create. I believe in you and know you and your brand or business will do amazing things. Happy Blog Wednesday, My Friends.