The Colors Of Spring


Oh the sweet beautiful colors of spring are here. Watching the grass turn green, the trees start budding and the flowers start blooming makes me fall more in love with our Lord & creator. I love this time of year. It’s such a fresh and exciting time. Nature just spent all that time cleansing and now it is time for it to come alive again. Just like how nature changes the colors in our photos will change also.

This is where all the neutrals, greens and an explosion of sweet spring colors come into the mix. When you think of color try not to think so much neon, but more soft colors. Now, we know the traditional colors of the neutrals, but let's also talk about the explosion colors. 

The Neutrals

Every time the season changes, the colors change with it. However, one constant we can all be thankful for is the neutrals that follow along. There will always be neutrals in the color palette. The one thing that does change about neutrals is the shades and if some outweigh the others. As we enter spring there will be more browns in the palette than there will be blacks & they will be softer than harsh. We can still appreciate what harsh neutrals bring to the table like; shadows and contrast, but in spring neutrals will always soften. Along, with brown you will see lots of different shades of whites and creams and honestly those are my favorite this time of year.

The Explosion Colors

Oh my goodness where do you even start with these colors. Unlike, winter (where it leans more towards the blues), fall (where it leans more towards the oranges and maroons) & summer (where it leans more towards the warmer tones) spring does not lean towards a set amount of colors. No, it joins the whole color wheel together, but just adds its very springy vibe to it. However, this is one color that becomes more bold than the others and that color is green. The reason green becomes bolder is because as we shift out two seasons that did not rely on green it is officially it’s time to shine. As we enter fall that is where we see those bold greens start to fade and enter more neutral green. However, with the seasons changing just like trees bloom so does green. 

Even though green is the boldest of the group that does not mean that the others are as exciting. No, very much the opposite. These colors are bold and exciting, but most of these colors were entered when valentine's day came to the show. All those beautiful blues, reds and pinks are going to make their way into spring. Then once you add the oranges, purples, and yellows to the mix, this is where spring gets all of it’s excitement. Let’s look at them below.


If you have read my color blogs in the past you will notice that regardless of the season or the holiday these colors are beautiful during their own time. I truly believe the Lord gave us colors to be more creative and more exciting, but also as a way to notice that times are changing and so are our colors. I don’t think I should choose a favorite, but if I have to choose my favorite is going to have to be this season. So, as this season ushers in more colors and as nature totally shows off even more, embrace the colors and enjoy them. The Lord gave us His creations as a promise of who He is and what He is doing and what He has done. My friends, Happy Spring!