
Oh my goodness when you run your own business the programs you use can either be beneficial or frustrating in your business life. I have used more than a handful of programs over the years, but as one program didn’t work the opportunity to find a new one always came up. Now that I have officially found most of my favorite programs here are my three favorites. 


I will always give praise to Lightroom. This is where I do my main form of editing. At first I struggled trying to figure out how to use it however once you get the hang of things this program takes stress off your plate & allows you to be so creative. 

Pass Gallery

This is one of those programs that it took me a moment to find, which one would work for me. But once I found Pass I truly could not go back. The gallery is easy to use and it allows me to give my clients access to both print and web without a watermark. Plus, there is a cute little print shop on it that allows them to shop from their collection. This program has been such a blessing & of course just like with anything there has been hiccups, but with this program I have had more blessings than frustrations. 


My goodness, am I so beyond thankful for square. This program allows me to send contracts, keep up with my basic client info (Names & Emails) & send invoices without having to use a third party. At the beginning of my business I did use a third party just because it made the invoices look real cute, but I was wasting money each month using a third party, when honestly that third party needed Square as a host. This program is one that will probably stay around just as long as the other two. 

It takes a moment to find your footing when it comes to programs. Some work and some stick around forever. Extend grace to the ones that don’t work and be thankful for the ones that do work. & like always if you have questions you know you can always ask.